Apply: General

Apply for the General Scholarship Program for undergraduate, vocational, graduate, and medical students.

Applications open October 15. The deadline to complete applications is January 15.


  1. Read the eligibility requirements below.
  2. Identify your applicant status
  3. Review the “How To Apply” FAQ and checklists for each program.
  4. Plan to submit your application at least one week before the January 15th This will ensure you do not miss the deadline due technical difficulties, or heavy traffic on the website.

Apply Now

General Eligibility

Applicants must meet the eligibility requirements listed below, complete the online application, and submit any required supplementary documents on time.

Once qualified, all new applicants are required to have a personal interview in March.

  • Applicant must have attended at least four* of the six years between grades 7 and 12 AND graduate or receive a GED from a Santa Barbara County high school.**
  • Applicant must be planning to attend a Title IV-approved school full time as an undergraduate, medical, or graduate student.
  • Applicant must be a U.S citizen, permanent resident, or AB 540 eligible.
  • Applicants eligible for the Santa Barbara City College Promise who indicate that they will be attending SBCC will not be funded. If you are not eligible and/or are not sure you’ll attend Santa Barbara City College, you will need to fill out our application to be eligible for our funding. We WILL fund third- or fourth-year SBCC students and transfer students after they have received the SBCC Promise.

*If you are or have been a ward of the Santa Barbara County Court (youth in foster care after the age of 13), please call our office to check your eligibility status.
**Homeschooled students and boarding school students: you and your family must have resided at least four of the six years the student attended school in Santa Barbara County between grades 7-12. Homeschooled students must have a private school (homeschooled) affidavit of approval on file with the Santa Barbara County Education Office. They must include an affidavit for each 7-12 grade they were homeschooled with their high school transcript by the application deadline.