We launched a fresh redesign of our website a few months ago, but there was one piece that was still missing: accessibility of the website’s content to Spanish speakers.
Because over 33% of Santa Barbara County residents speak Spanish at home, we already provide printed collateral in both English and Spanish, and all four of our Program Advisors are fluent in both languages. While our website provided extensive information about our scholarship application and other financial aid available to students, the information was primarily in English. Adding Spanish to the website is the final step in making all of our information equally available to all. The Spanish version is accessible by simply clicking a button on the top right-hand corner of the home page.
Hosting a Spanish version of the website helps us reach a wider audience throughout the county and the professionally translated Spanish pages enable those searching the Internet in Spanish to directly find the information on the website, which is often superior to a browser-based translated website.
One of our top priorities, second only to awarding scholarships, is advising students who want to go to college about other sources of financial aid. In 2016, our Program Advisors counseled over 36,500 people regarding financial aid, and assisted their scholarship recipients in leveraging an additional $45 million in federal, state and institutional aid. Through the new, upgraded website, we hope to increase the number of people in Santa Barbara County who are able to pursue higher education.
“The Scholarship Foundation of Santa Barbara aspires to support every student in our community who wants to pursue a college degree,” said Candace Winkler, President & CEO of the Scholarship Foundation. “As more of our students and families speak Spanish as their primary language, it is imperative for us to ensure our online information is accurate and accessible to all of our constituents.”
Don’t forget: the application for the 2018-19 academic year opens on October 15th! But if you have questions about financial aid, how to interpret your financial aid letter, or are looking for more resources to help you complete your degree, our Program Advisors are available all summer. Please call for a free appointment: (805) 687-6065